City Of Darkness

4.91 (Need 5 Votes)

Author(s):Yu Er

Artist(s):Chenjing Group Situ Jian Qiao Yuyongliang

Status: Ongoing   City Of Darkness 92 is coming next...

Rank:11735, it has 12 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 九龍城寨;九龙城寨

Genre(s): Action , Adventure , Seinen


Everyone in his Yakuza gang looked up to him. He was the boss's favorite pupil, but then in a single night, after he had won so many territorial fights for his gang, he lost everything! Why?

Everyone in his Yakuza gang looked up to him. He was the boss's favorite pupil, but then in a single night, after he had won so many territorial f

City Of Darkness Chapters