Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura Kageroi

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Author(s):ASAOKA Shuku

Artist(s):ASAOKA Shuku

Status: Ongoing   Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura Kageroi 3 is coming next...

Rank:9768, it has 1 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 御指名武将真田幸村;御指名武将真田幸村 かげろひ -KAGEROI-;Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura - Kagerohi;Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura -Kageroi-;Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura Kagerohi;Kagerohi;Kageroi

Genre(s): Action , Historical , Shounen


In the year 1589, the Tokugawa clan is looking for a way to destroy Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi depends on the resourceful, intelligent samurai Sanada Yukimura to help him protect his people and foil the plots of his enemies. He also assigns the loud-mouthed, impetuous shinobi ... More

In the year 1589, the Tokugawa clan is looking for a way to destroy Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi depends on the resourceful, intelligent samurai Sana

Goshimei Bushou Sanada Yukimura Kageroi Chapters