I Decided to Offer Myself to Motivate Senpai

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Author(s):吉太 橘姬社


Status: Ongoing   I Decided to Offer Myself to Motivate Senpai 133 is coming next...

Rank:N/A, it has 4 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 为了让学姐鼓起干劲,我决定献出我自己

Genre(s): Comedy , Yuri


Jiaxia is a new editor for the comic company BliBli. Ever since high school she has admired comic artist Taiji-sensei, who inspired her to pursue a career in the 2D world. Although Taiji-sensei has a bad reputation in the publishing world for being lazy and troublesome, Jiaxia is... More

Jiaxia is a new editor for the comic company BliBli. Ever since high school she has admired comic artist Taiji-sensei, who inspired her to pursue a ca

I Decided to Offer Myself to Motivate Senpai Chapters