Nuan Nuan Wu

4.67 (Need 5 Votes)

Author(s):Mu Mu Yi

Artist(s):Mu Mu Yi

Status: Ongoing   Nuan Nuan Wu 30 is coming next...

Rank:4042, it has 9 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: Warm Home

Genre(s): Romance , Shoujo


Fenced within a small courtyard is a large tree, and many plants and flowers sing joyfully every day. Sitting on the second story, she drinks tea while painting, bathing in the brilliant sunlight that passes through the trees. The only problem is, the cute delivery guy keeps her ... More

Fenced within a small courtyard is a large tree, and many plants and flowers sing joyfully every day. Sitting on the second story, she drinks tea whil