Swing Baby

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Author(s):무단 [Add]

Artist(s):무단 [Add]

Status: Ongoing   Swing Baby 5 is coming next...

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: Swing Baby!;스윙 배이비

Genre(s): Drama


One day, a man named Yoon Seo-oh fell from the sky on a parachute in order to get a junior ticket. In the last years, Junior Babie (Baby) is targeting Yoon Seo-oh (Johnson) according to the game "Boss Manual"... Can he be a member of Baby's promotion club? Original... More

One day, a man named Yoon Seo-oh fell from the sky on a parachute in order to get a junior ticket. In the last years, Junior Babie (Baby) is targeting

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