The Reincarnated King of Fists

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Author(s):YIM Kyungbae

Artist(s):YANG Kyung il

Status: Ongoing   The Reincarnated King of Fists 66 is coming next...

Rank:N/A, it has 0 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: O Rei Marcial Indomável;Reincarnation of King Kwon;The Indomitable Martial King;Time Slip of Fist King;Time Slip of FistKing;Time Slip of the Fist King;ملك فنون يقصر القتال الذي;拳王に転生した最強大魔導士;拳王轉生;권왕전생

Genre(s): Drama , Fantasy , Shounen


In a world where humans enslave non-human species, the powerful wizard Leppenhardt creates an empire to safeguard these beings. However, his reign ends when he's defeated by the brutally strong Tesron, the "King of Fists." But death isn’t the end, because Leppenhar... More

In a world where humans enslave non-human species, the powerful wizard Leppenhardt creates an empire to safeguard these beings. However, his reign end

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